chelsea kay's days

a stay at home mom trying to figure things out

Location: Ohio, United States

i'm a stay at home mom. i'm crazy about my little boys. in a past life i was an acting major. i love to read more than almost anything. if i could get a second degree it would be in art history. i love jesus somethin' awful. and i go to an amazing church who loves me well.

Thursday, August 31, 2006


phoenix didn't wake up to eat until 4:30am! i went to sleep at 10:30pm... so this is more consecutive hours of sleep than i've gotten in over three months! and neither of the other boys woke up either. yay! feeling much more sane. sorry i'm so complain-y on here... i won't promise anything else though. :) i sort of need a place to get it out so bear with me.

some things that made me smile... emerson likes to play with phoenix and talk to him using the same high-pitched airy voice that i do. this morning i came in to see him bent over the bouncy seat sayin...(in high squeaky baby talk voice) "you're a human aren't you phoenix. aren't you. yeah... you're human. that's right." and then later... "you yuv your big brother don't you little guy."

julian has finally started to call him something other than baby... he's settled on "weenick". cute.

alright must jump in the shower while i can. baby is asleep, julian is watching buzz, emerson's downstairs watching clifford and i'm gross and groggy. mama needs to luxuriate in hot running water for a few minutes before i try this again.


Blogger Karen said...

YAY for sleep!!!! i'm really glad for you. it's amazing how sleep can help or hinder your perspective or ability to handle things.

but also, feel free to complain away. it's good to have a space to do that in.

i love you!

10:25 AM  
Blogger mosiacmind said...

Sleep works wonders for everyone....especially for a very busy Mom. Chelsea you and your family have been on my heart and mind often the past month plus. I think that God would like me to share some stuff with Chris and you so in the next few days will try to email you...I say try because sometimes my computer is acting up......but for now I hope and will pray that Chris and yourself can bask in the knowledge of the deep deep love that He has for both of you and for your boys! He looks upon your family with delight and joy is one thing that I think He wanted me to share with you. I hope sometime soon to be able to arrange rides to visit the Central Vineyard. God has mentioned to me a few times and it was confirmed in a word from a friend of mine that I am to spend time at Central Vineyard...gosh this is long for a comment...Chelsea I have MANY fond memories of watching you and your brothers when you were time you were so exited that you taught JT to say " beautiful day" came out as a toddler would say it but one could understand what he meant...: )

11:35 AM  

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