chelsea kay's days

a stay at home mom trying to figure things out

Location: Ohio, United States

i'm a stay at home mom. i'm crazy about my little boys. in a past life i was an acting major. i love to read more than almost anything. if i could get a second degree it would be in art history. i love jesus somethin' awful. and i go to an amazing church who loves me well.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

we just signed emerson up for his first soccer team and they happened to need extra coaches so chris signed up too. i remember the first moment i found out i was having a little boy... these are the things i dreamt about. he doesn't have to be good at it... it's just the right of passage of this little son of mine and his daddy playing together and in doing so... learning something about life. i can't wait.

things are moving along fine. i have to admit i'm sort of hoping to have this baby soon. chris is pleading with me to stay as still as possibly and buy him more time. :) he's switching jobs this week and wants a couple weeks under his belt before he takes a week off. 2 weeks of bedrest... i think i may end up in the psych ward.

seriously though... it has been a sort of profound time. i have had several revelations about myself, my life and my family that only came from being backed into a corner of inactivity. the exact nature of these revelations is too private to talk about... but i knew God had something for me and i'm sure there is more to come.

i have my next ultrasound and testing session at osu on monday morning. it will be somewhat decisive since they will be able to really access whether phoenix is growing. will update then...


Blogger mommy zabs said...

1. omygosh:) I can't wait for owen to do soccer... that will be so much fun for you guys :) Little kids and sports are way too cute.

2. i'm sorry you have to be bored :( no fun.
but that is cool about the revelations.

3. still praying for baby.

4. what is chris' new job, is he no longer with method?

6:25 PM  
Blogger chelsea said...

lately it's not the boredom. i've actually got plenty to keep me entertained. i've been involved with playing with and reading to the boys most of the time... just stationary. the first few days were boring but now its just the lack of control and the helplessness of other people running my life, household, children... etc. bored i can handle.

chris is leaving method and taking a job with integrate. it's a little bit more family friendly... not so high - pressured.

thanks for your prayers!

6:25 PM  
Blogger mosiacmind said...

How fun about soccer! I used to enjoy watching my nephews play so much. I am still keeping you all in my prayers.I hope that my email to you about Marianne's experience with Jordan was not a downer for you I meant it as an encouragement how healthy Jordan was in spite of the problems. Years ago when I broke my ankle in 3 places and my leg in 1 and had to have 4 operations within 6 months and had to stay with my mom and could not get out of bed most of the time except for going to the bathroom I remember for me it also brought up lack of control issues and it was just me so can relate to that. I was just thinking Chelsea how for you to be staying down is continuing to be the loving and careing mommy that you are to give of yourself so that your son will be as healthy as he can be. I think you know that just felt like God wanted me to remind you of that.

12:16 PM  
Blogger C's Mom said...


Soccer is so fun! Esp. at Emerson's age when they all huddle around the ball and move in a big clump.

Also, wondered what doc you're seeing at OSU. I saw Phil Samuels there and he was AWESOME to me (I assume you're seeing the perinatologists for this) -- if you have any control over who you see, I would highly recommend him.

Been keeping up on your condition thru Karen -- God's just put it on my heart to pray for you guys.

Beth Koruna

6:20 PM  

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