chelsea kay's days

a stay at home mom trying to figure things out

Location: Ohio, United States

i'm a stay at home mom. i'm crazy about my little boys. in a past life i was an acting major. i love to read more than almost anything. if i could get a second degree it would be in art history. i love jesus somethin' awful. and i go to an amazing church who loves me well.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

i don't know what to say. if i could i'd issue a huge long intake of air and release it slowly and with eyes closed and that's about how i feel.

this is the first quiet moment all day.

things are fast and loud and constant.

today was the most that i was alone with all three boys... my mom came over from about 10:30am to 3:00pm... so it was just me for 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon. and i have to say that today left me feeling more encouraged than anything.

sometimes the fear of something is greater than the actual thing... i have been having these panicky feelings of being unable to take care of these three little ones. it has felt, in my head, that something horrible will happen... that it will be an absolute catastrophe... when i am left alone with them. so today... i was alone with all of them and i found out that it was a little catastrophic but we all made it relatively happy, healthy and unscathed. i mean, sure, julian pooped on emerson's puzzle because the only way i could shower was to take him in the bath with me while phoenix slept and emerson watched a video and by the time we got out... because phoenix was crying (before i got to wash my hair)... phoenix had pooped and i decided to change him first since his bottom is a little raw and julian's diapers were downstairs... and then he was screaming so i thought i'd nurse him a little and then julian well.... the deposit on the puzzle. but you see... i just took a little breath and paused and said... "it's alright. i'll take care of it." and i put phoenix down and cleaned julian off and threw the puzzle into a sink of hot water and soap to deal with later and diapered julian and then went back to nursing phoenix and there was a fair amount of fussing.... but after 15 minutes everyone was happy.
okay... and it took me an hour to get emerson's breakfast. a bagel. toasted with butter. i actually got it into the toaster but was sidetracked a number of times and remembered some time later that i'd never retrieved it. but you see... emerson did not starve and actually may be learning valuable lessons about patience and caring for others.
and... well... alright... i didn't get to brush my teeth until an hour or so before dinner time... but you see... i did brush them after all... and my kids don't seem to care too much if my breath is bad.
so there is the way my day, my brain works right about now... but what was so great about today was not that it went smoothly because it didn't... but that as bumpy as it was... no one seemed to be worse for the wear... and so now i know we'll all be fine. and now i'm not so scared anymore.

still feeling a bit guilty that no one gets as much of me as i'd like... but i imagine that won't go away ever and i better let it go.


Blogger nikkip said...

oh my goodness, chelsea. i honestly just want to squeeze you after all of that...squeeze you because you're so cute. hope that's okay and not condescending or anything like that.

it sounds as thoug you really have this mothering business down are are doing an amazing job of mothering all three of your sons--but no one here is suprised at all!

7:59 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

you rock. seriously. i'm sure this is how your life will look for a good while but everyday you'll get more used to it and in so many ways it will get easier and easier. isn't it funny how guilt can follow us around? that whether it's one kid or 10 kids there are things we feel guilty about? and yeah, that we let it go... that's right on.
you are doing a great job. your boys are so blessed to have you as their mom. i am convinced that you all will emerge from this summer changed in some pretty cool ways. i love you!

4:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


when i realized that life didn't have to look like i thought it did in order for it to be done right (do you know what i mean?), and that i actually WAS making it? oh man. GOOD DAY.

it's not what you do as much as how you do it. so there was poo. you didn't break down. you handled it. and however you handle it is the right way because it's your shit to deal with. figuratively speaking.

you're doing it all right. your kids are lucky to have a mom like you. i'm basing this opinion on what little i've read so far plus all the nice things karen has said about you. :)


9:29 AM  
Blogger amy paxton said...

Wow, awesome, Chelsea. This was actually very encouraging for me to read. Despite the obstacles, life does go on! Your kids are so blessed to have you as their mom!

4:52 AM  
Blogger C's Mom said...


Congrats on the birth of your son! I've been keeping up via Karen and have been praying for you guys to settle in, etc. I had MANY days like the one you wrote about when the twins were wee, and you're so right: somehow, everyone adapts and God is so with you throughout it all. I remember vividly the first few days I was alone with all three kids -- scary and good and ultimately, just everyone as said to you already, I'm sure you're a fabulous mom and your kids are blessed. Plus, as they get older and you see their own relationships develop, it makes you realize that one of the best gifts you give a child is a sibling or two. GOD BLESS,


10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to get together...
I'd don't get to spend much time with other moms. LP is full of a lot of hip, single 20 somethings!

5:39 AM  

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