chelsea kay's days

a stay at home mom trying to figure things out

Location: Ohio, United States

i'm a stay at home mom. i'm crazy about my little boys. in a past life i was an acting major. i love to read more than almost anything. if i could get a second degree it would be in art history. i love jesus somethin' awful. and i go to an amazing church who loves me well.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

hi everyone. you guys are so sweet and insightful. no really... the comments really encouraged me. i also took your advice, dave, and talked with my mom and came away with a little more wisdom and hope. :)

for those of you who don't know me... i judge myself rather severely from time to time. especially when it comes to mothering.

anyway.... yesterday was a wonderful day. someone out there was praying. i know it.

by the way... who is anonymous?

will update soon.......


Blogger C's Mom said...


I just couldn't NOT comment, because your last few posts bring so much back to my mind and heart. My daughter is 8 now and my twin boys are 6...the first year was sooooo hard. I so relate to the feelings of inadequacy, the surges of anger and frustration, the whiny older child that somehow at the back of your mind you worry you're slighting...but God is so good. He so makes up for our deficiencies, our fears, our lack of sleep. (I took comfort in the fact that God was with me thru the watches of the night, because dang, it often seemed I was alone with 2 babies.) Like Karen said, the fact that you're thinking about ANY of these things is good. The fact that you're trying to live in the moment is AMAZING, because I will tell you somewhat from the other side of insanity :D (somewhat not too!) that it will go so will go so wise woman told me that those are long days, short years and I'm starting to see what she meant. I will tell you that it will get easier and it will get more fun as they get older and you get to know more completely each precious person God has placed in your family. I know you don't know me, but if I can ever help with babysitting, cleaning, playing with your older kids (my boys would LOVE to be big boys for your two older ones -- ask Karen how Rob is with Greta :D) and my daughter would love to dote...God blessed me with so many many people in those first months that both my husband and I feel like we want to help. In all our weaknesses His body was strong...not trying to be pushy.

If I can help with anything specific, let me know at I'll have to tell you about the time another twin mom called me and told me HER twins (a week younger than my boys) were sleeping from 9pm-6am...I almost shot myself, because my guys were getting up like 17 times a night...I know the deep end, my friend.

Blessings. I will continue praying,

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool. Glad things are a bit better.

7:48 PM  
Blogger nikkip said...

so sorry. i've been out of town. but that anonymous post was me. something went wacky with my computer...the reason why is posted 3 times with no name. glad you're doing ok.

8:46 PM  
Blogger Zena and Joshua said...

hey chels,

i had a cool dream about you last night. we need to talk soon!

much love,

5:12 AM  

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