chelsea kay's days

a stay at home mom trying to figure things out

Location: Ohio, United States

i'm a stay at home mom. i'm crazy about my little boys. in a past life i was an acting major. i love to read more than almost anything. if i could get a second degree it would be in art history. i love jesus somethin' awful. and i go to an amazing church who loves me well.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

thank you again. your comments and emails are such wonderful things to look forward to. i can't tell you how encouraging it is to receive kind words, scripture, prayers, and offers of help.

this morning i was caught off guard by something that broke open my emotions. i couldn't help tears splashing down my cheeks. emerson saw and said, "mommy, you sad?" and i said, "yes honey. mommy's sad. but it's okay. i love you and i'm okay." he stood staring at me with a look of helplessness on his sweet little face. he then turned and ran to get something and came back with a winnie-the-pooh band-aid which he peeled and put on my knee. "there mommy. you need band-aid. you happy now?" oh sweet emerson. if it were only that easy. but in some strange way... a band-aid from my baby did make the pain fade and the moment seemed so precious and sacred that all i could do was feel the love and blessedness of my life.

it's hard because i don't want emerson to feel like he is responsible to deal with my sadness. i never want him to feel the weight of having to take care of my emotions. but there are just some times that my emotions can't be hidden and his sweet little heart is so kind and loving.

it must be a very insecure thing to see your mommy cry. i don't let it happen very often in front of him. but in the moments that it does happen... i'm working on teaching him that it's still safe and that he doesn't have to fix it. we've been talking a lot about how everyone is sad sometimes and it's okay to cry when we're sad and we won't stay sad forever.

emerson is such a kind little boy.

he still opens his arms wide every night and says... "comeer mommy."


Blogger Karen said...

i think you are teaching emerson something very important, and you are doing it in completely the right way. he's right at that age to start really noticing how other people feel, and so if he sees someone else really upset you can remind him how you had talked about that sometimes people are sad and that it's okay. you are giving him a framework to understand other people, and i think the best way to do that is through you. so although i know you don't want to be breaking down all the time in front of him, crying once and awhile is actually really good for him to see. i love you chelsea. you are doing a great job with your sweet boy. you are an encouragement to me. love, karen

5:08 AM  
Blogger PEZmama said...

I find that I am quite speechless when I read your posts. I am encouraged by your faith and perseverance. I wouldn't pretend to have advice for you, but I just wanted to let you know that I am still praying for you and for your babies.

8:16 AM  
Blogger jlee said...

could emerson be more of a love......????
i love him so much....
i am proud that parker and him have each other...
still praying......

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Chelsea,

I've not spoken with you in a long time. I don't even know if you remember me, but that's ok. I literally stumbled across your blog, in fact I still have no idea how I got here.I rarely surf the net these days with a ten month old always wanting to play or something ;-) Anyways, I wanted to say that you're in my prayers for whatever it is that is going on in your life. Sometimes there is nothing else that a person can do when their heart hurts so bad but keep putting one foot in front of the other and hold onto Jesus for dear life.In the end His strength is all that carries us through. I remember your smiles and your passion for life. It makes me sad to hear so much hurt in you. Just hold on to Jesus.

Hugs and love always,
Nicole Johnson previously Nicole Adolphus

7:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been away from your blog for several weeks now, and it looks like I've stumbled back during a terrible event in your life. I have not been able to figure out what has happened to you, but I know that your support group there and your faith will lift you up. Trite sayings from someone you don't know don't help you, but just know that I am confident that each passing day will grow you stronger and more able to face what is ahead.

1:13 PM  

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