chelsea kay's days

a stay at home mom trying to figure things out

Location: Ohio, United States

i'm a stay at home mom. i'm crazy about my little boys. in a past life i was an acting major. i love to read more than almost anything. if i could get a second degree it would be in art history. i love jesus somethin' awful. and i go to an amazing church who loves me well.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

vascilating between incredible sorrow and deep peace. there are some moments where it feels like i could cry and never stop and then other moments where i can almost feel God's breathe as he whispers hope in my ear. why is it that trials tend to make me more and more certain that God is good?

Because he is always so gentle and kind to me in the midst of them. there is no way i should be functioning now but i am. and i'm functioning pretty darn well. and i can only chalk it up to a supernatural strength present in me. a supernatural strength i never seem to access until i will die without it.

still... i hope that God feels that this character builder will last me a good long while.... like maybe the rest of my life. i can safely say that i will be a different, (better, i am sure) woman from here on out.

last night i woke at about 1:00am and felt compelled to pray... which i did. i sensed the Lord promising a time of rest.

for weeks when i've prayed i have sensed the Lord saying that i needed to know that things would get worse. each time i would cringe and say ..."but Lord, no. please... i won't make it." but each time i did. his grace really is sufficient. but now i sense that maybe he's going to let me catch my breath. doesn't the scripture say we won't be crushed... that we will be more than conquerors. not only will we have victory but we will have more than victory. we will emerge having won the battle but gained so much through it.

i've gained so much. the scales still seem tilted towards the side of loss but i trust they won't always. the side of gain is steadily being weighted down.

so.... hopefully my sense of impending rest is not just wishful thinking... pray that God would bolster my sense of his goodness and my ability to live in peace no matter what may transpire. and then pray that what transpires is restoration.


Blogger blinn said...

Chelsea, i think of you and your family offten during my times of guys are so much on my heart! matt

7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chelsea you and your family continue to be in my prayers often. Even in the midst of your sorrow and trials you continue to be a gifted writer. This just keeps coming to my mind and not sure if it my brain or it is God wanting me to share this idea with you but either way I felt like I was to share with you it. I felt like I was to encourage you to write in a journal - like hand written the things you are sharing in your blogs plus other things. It will be something I believe will be used in the future to bless others going through similar things. I thought that I would share with you a cute kid story since I enjoy so much hearing about Emerson. My nephew Jerah's son Hunter is 3 years old. Somehow his stuffed puppy which was his fav and went everywhere with him got lost. Cindy thought that she found one similar enough that it would do. She put it in bed after he had fallen asleep when she got home from work. The next morning he woke up and yelled "THIS IS NOT MY DOGGIE" and will not have anything to do with it so the search is still on for a new puppy. Liz

10:24 AM  
Blogger John McCollum said...


I've been waking up in the middle of the night pleading your case before God. Damn, I could use a good night's sleep, but I'd rather be interceding for you.

God, I hope that you'll get some rest.


8:47 PM  

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