chelsea kay's days

a stay at home mom trying to figure things out

Location: Ohio, United States

i'm a stay at home mom. i'm crazy about my little boys. in a past life i was an acting major. i love to read more than almost anything. if i could get a second degree it would be in art history. i love jesus somethin' awful. and i go to an amazing church who loves me well.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

which of a thousand things should i write about?

you'll have to bear with me while i disgorge the contents of my brain.

chris had an open house for his new studio on thursday evening and it was a grand success! his studio looked spectacular and there was a terrific turn out. many of our friends came which was wonderful... but the most important part was the dozens of clients/potential clients who showed up and got to meet chris and look at his work. not only that but the party was incredibly elegant... very chic... very hip. an open bar, asian influenced food, ambient live music and lots of people in black. :) it felt very new york. needless to say... i was very proud of chris. plus it was great fun to get dressed up and go out to a classy party.

chris' parents helped so much with the whole thing. they catered it and took quite a bit of the financial burden on themselves. i can't say too much about how generous and selfless chris' parents are. i don't know that i've ever met people who are as giving as they are. i can honestly say that i don't know where we'd be without them.

speaking of which... last night we were at tim's (melissa's husband) birthday dinner at the kays. things were running late and it was emerson's bedtime and we hadn't even gotten to the presents or cake. we decided just to put him to sleep there and frank and joanne would bring him over in the morning since we were all going to have a garage sale together anyway. BUT... at 3:00 a.m. i heard the phone ring and it was joanne's voice. chris went downstairs to check the message and a few minutes later i heard a little voice outside calling "daddy!" i jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to find "gammer and gamper" handing emerson over to chris. "what's going on?", i asked. "he just really wanted to come home and be with mommy and daddy.", they said.

emerson has spent the night at their house many times and never had even a hint of a problem... but last night i laid down with him and i think he was startled when he woke up and i wasn't there. anyway... even though it was exhausting waking up and then getting him back to sleep... i have to say... it was a much needed affirmation.

someone once told me that when you have a baby it's like choosing to live with your heart forever walking around outside of your body. it's true. nothing has ever made me so vulnerable as having a child. nothing could hurt me more than emerson being hurt. and now i think of this little boy inside of me and i think why in the world am i taking this risk. now i'm twice as vulnerable. but the joy. oh the joy.

we've been tossing around some names.

miles... we both like but it's kind of getting popular... don't want to jump on the bandwagon.
julian... too feminine? too british?
ethan... ?
i love xavier... chris won't hear of it. i also love isaac... chris isn't sure.


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